A Musical Fantasy

Friday 2nd June, 7.30pm
St Thomas Church, Lymington


Local star violinist Rose Gosney will join the new principal clarinettist of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Katherine Spencer, principal cellist of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Richard Harwood and Sam Haywood for an evening of musical fantasy. Alongside traditional concert repertoire by Chopin, Schumann and Bruch, the programme will include gaming music from ‘Final Fantasy X’.


Georg Phillip Telemann

Carl Nielsen
Fantasiestück in G minor, CNW 66

Robert Schumann
Fantasiestücke Op. 88 – Romanze
Fantasiestücke Op. 73 – Zart und mit Ausdrück, Leicht und Lebhaft, Rasch und mit Feuer
Fantasiestücke Op 12 – Des Abends, Aufschwung

Pablo de Sarasate
Carmen Fantasy for violin and piano, Op. 25


Frédéric Chopin
Fantasie in F minor, Op. 49

Jelena Poulíčková
Fantasy No 1

Nobuo Uematsu
To Zanarkland (arranged by Laurence Manning)
Suteki da ne (Isn’t it Wonderful) (arranged by Sam Haywood)

Max Bruch
Eight Pieces for clarinet, cello and piano, Op. 83 – Nos 2, 7, 8, 4

Rose Gosney, violin
Katherine Spencer, clarinet
Richard Harwood, cello
Sam Haywood, piano